Retrieving a dataset with study-level aggregate clinical and methodological characteristics (that may act as effect modifiers) extracted from the selected systematic review of the database.
- pmid
A scalar with the PMID number of the systematic review found in the database.
- show.index
Logical to indicate whether to return a data-frame with the full name of the abbreviated characteristics. The default is
(do not report).- show.type
Logical to indicate whether to return a data-frame with the type (Demographic, Clinical, Methodological) and subtype (Age, Ethnicity, Intervention, Outcome, Participant, Risk of bias, Sex, Study design, Study setting, Withdrawals) of the characteristics. The default is
(do not report).
returns the following:
- Dataset
A data-frame (tibble style) with rows referring to the studies and columns to the study-level aggregate characteristics as extracted from the report of the corresponding systematic review.
- Characteristics_index
A data-frame (tibble style) with the rows referring to the extracted characteristics (abbreviated name) and columns to the their full name (if
show.index = TRUE
), their type and subtype (ifshow.type = TRUE
The selected dataset refers to a connected network for a specific outcome studied in the corresponding systematic review. Each characteristic occupies one column in the dataset. Characteristics pertaining to intervention features occupied one column for the experimental and another for the control treatment in the corresponding comparison.
get.dataset(pmid = 25626481)
#> $Dataset
#> # A tibble: 6 × 36
#> trial treat1 treat2 arm1 arm2 continent multicenter funding sample.size
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 Alberts 1 2 PLDH… carb… America NA yes 61
#> 2 Bafaloukos 1 3 PLDH… pacl… Europe NA NA 189
#> 3 CALYPSO 1 3 PLDH… pacl… internat… yes yes 976
#> 4 Gonzalez-… 3 4 pacl… carb… Europe NA NA 81
#> 5 ICON4/AGO… 3 4 pacl… carb… Europe yes yes 802
#> 6 Pfisterer 4 5 carb… gemc… Europe NA yes 356
#> # ℹ 27 more variables: perc.withdrawals <dbl>, mean.treat.duration <dbl>,
#> # SD.treat.duration <dbl>, follow.up.duration <dbl>, mean.age <dbl>,
#> # SD.age <dbl>, mean.PFI.duration <dbl>, SD.PFI.duration <dbl>,
#> # perc.PFI.above.365.days <dbl>, perc.prior.chemotherapy <dbl>,
#> # <dbl>, at.least.3.lesion.sites <dbl>,
#> # perc.serious.type <dbl>, perc.non.serious.type <dbl>, tumour.size <dbl>,
#> # perc.measurable.disease <dbl>, perc.elevated.CA125.level <dbl>, …