A database with 217 systematic reviews with network meta-analysis (NMA) published from 2004 to April 14, 2015. The collected systematic reviews were retrieved from the archived R package nmadb and pertain to those with available data in that package.
A data-frame with 217 rows and 10 columns referring to the analysed systematic reviews with NMA and their characteristics, respectively.
Papakonstantinou T. nmadb: Network Meta-Analysis Database API. R package version 1.2.0. 2019. <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=nmadb> (archived).
Turner RM, Davey J, Clarke MJ, Thompson SG, Higgins JP. Predicting the extent of heterogeneity in meta-analysis, using empirical data from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Int J Epidemiol 2012;41(3):818–27. doi: 10.1093/ije/dys041.
The characteristics of the systematic reviews comprise:
nmadb.ID | The ID number as provided in the archived R package nmadb. |
PMID | The PMID number. |
First.Author | The name of the first author. |
Year | The year of publication. |
Journal.Name | The abbreviated name of the journal. |
Title | The title of the systematic review. |
Outcome.Type | The outcome type as suggested by Turner et al. (2012) and distinguished into objective, semi-objective and subjective. |
Intervention.Comparison.Type | The treatment-comparator type as suggested by Turner et al. (2012) and distinguished into pharmacological versus placebo, pharmacological versus pharmacological, and non-pharmacological versus any. |
Includes.ToC.where | Whether the extracted study-level aggregate characteristics were found in the main article, Appendix or both. |
Source.ToC | The exact location in the systematic review where the extracted study-level aggregate characteristics were found, such as Table X in the main article, and/ or Appendix. |
Comment | Notes related to the extraction for the selected systematic review(s). |
Except for PMID, Includes.ToC.where, Source.ToC, and Comment, all other characteristics were retrieved from the archived R package nmadb. The database was reduced further during extraction, for instance, due to the limited reporting quality and data of the systematic review relating to the extraction process.