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A dataset of 24 two-arm trials comparing artemether, artesunate and quinine with each other in patients with severe malaria. The analysed binary outcome is death.




A data frame with 24 rows of arm-based data and 11 columns referring to the trial number, the treatment identifier in the compared arms, the odds ratio in the logarithmic scale and its standard error for each trial, the average age in years and its centered version, the number of events and number randomised for each arm and trial.


Donegan S, Dias S, Tudur-Smith C, Marinho V, Welton NJ. Graphs of study contributions and covariate distributions for network meta-regression. Res Synth Methods 2018;9(2):243–60. doi: 10.1002/jrsm.1292


The interventions have been coded as follows: 1, quinine; 2, artemether; and 3, artesunate