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The user specify the (posterior) mean and standard error (or posterior standard deviation) of two estimated treatment effects, X and Y, that refer to the same pairwise comparison and are assumed to follow a normal distribution. The function returns the Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KLD) measure of 1) approximating X with Y, 2) approximating Y with X, and 3) their average.


kld_measure(mean_y, sd_y, mean_x, sd_x)



A real number that refers to the mean of the estimated treatment effect Y on the scale of the selected effect measure (in logarithmic scale for relative effect measures).


A positive integer that refers to the posterior standard deviation or the standard error of the estimated treatment effect Y on the scale of the selected effect measure (in logarithmic scale for relative effect measures).


A real number that refers to the mean of the estimated treatment effect X on the scale of the selected effect measure (in logarithmic scale for relative effect measures).


A positive integer that refers to the posterior standard deviation or the standard error of the estimated treatment effect X on the scale of the selected effect measure (in logarithmic scale for relative effect measures).


The function return the following numeric results:

kld_symThe symmetric KLD value as the average of two KLD values .
kld_x_trueThe KLD value when approximating X by Y (X is the 'truth').
kld_y_trueThe KLD value when approximating Y by X (Y is the 'truth').


Kullback S, Leibler RA. On information and sufficiency. Ann Math Stat 1951;22(1):79–86. doi: 10.1214/aoms/1177729694