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Illustrates the posterior mean of deviance contribution of the individual data points under the unrelated mean effects model (via run_ume) against the posterior mean of deviance contribution under the consistency model (via run_model).


scatterplots_dev(full, ume, colour)



A numeric vector with the posterior mean of deviance obtained using the consistency model (see 'Value' in run_model).


A numeric vector with the posterior mean of deviance obtained using the unrelated mean effects model (see 'Value' in run_ume).


A string to define the colour of the points in the plot.


A scatterplot of the posterior mean deviance contribution of the individual data points from the unrelated mean effects model against those from the consistency model. Each data point corresponds to a trial-arm indicated by a pair of numbers. The first number refers to the position of the trial in the dataset, and the second number refers to the corresponding trial-arm (see 'Arguments' and 'Value' in data_preparation).


scatterplots_dev is integrated in the ume_plot function to compare the models regarding the posterior mean of deviance. This scatterplot has also been considered by Dias et al. (2013). When the majority of data points are scattered across the diagonal line, we may conclude that the compared models have a good agreement. Data points systematically scattered above or below the diagonal line may contribute more to the poor fit of the unrelated mean effects model and the consistency model, respectively.


Dias S, Welton NJ, Sutton AJ, Caldwell DM, Lu G, Ades AE. Evidence synthesis for decision making 4: inconsistency in networks of evidence based on randomized controlled trials. Med Decis Making 2013a;33(5):641–56. doi: 10.1177/0272989X12455847


Loukia M. Spineli