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Evaluates whether convergence has been achieved for the monitored parameters of the Bayesian models. The Gelman-Rubin convergence diagnostic, the Markov Chain Monte Carl (MCMC) error and relevant diagnostic plots are applied.


mcmc_diagnostics(net, par = NULL)



An object of S3 class run_metareg, run_model, run_nodesplit, run_sensitivity, run_series_meta, and run_ume. See 'Value' in the functions above.


A vector of at least one character string that refers to the monitored parameters in jagsfit which is an object of S3 class run_metareg, run_model, and run_ume. The selected parameters will be considered in the diagnostic plots (see 'Value'). This argument will be ignored for objects of S3 class run_nodesplit, run_sensitivity, and run_series_meta.


mcmc_diagnostics considers the following monitored parameters:


The estimated summary effect measure.


The predicted summary effect measure.


The estimated trial-specific effect measure.


The between-trial standard deviation.


The direct estimate of the split node (see 'Value' in run_nodesplit).


The indirect estimate of the split node (see 'Value' in run_nodesplit).


The inconsistency factor of the split node (see 'Value' in run_nodesplit).


The informative missingness parameter.


The regression coefficient.

For each monitored parameter mentioned above, mcmc_diagnostics also returns a barplot on the ratio of MCMC error to the posterior standard deviation and a barplot on the Gelman-Rubin R diagnostic. Bars that correspond to a ratio less than 5% are indicated in green (the corresponding parameters have been estimated accurately); otherwise, the bars are indicated in red (inaccurate estimation). Furthermore, bars that correspond to an R value less than 1.10 are indicated in green (the corresponding parameters have been converged); otherwise, the bars are indicated in red (convergence is not achieved). mcmc_diagnostics returns histograms than barplots for EM when run_sensitivity is considered.

mcmc_diagnostics also uses the mcmcplot function of the R-package mcmcplots to create an HTML file with a panel of diagnostic plots (trace, density, and autocorrelation) for each monitored parameter.


For each monitored parameter, mcmc_diagnostics considers the R-hat and MCMC error and compares them with the thresholds 1.1 and 5% of the posterior standard deviation (the rule of thumb), respectively. Convergence is achieved for the monitored parameter, when the R-hat is below the corresponding threshold. Visual inspection of the trace plots and posterior density of the monitored parameters should also be considered when drawing conclusions about convergence.


Gelman, A, Rubin, DB. Inference from iterative simulation using multiple sequences. Stat Sci 1992;7(4):457–72. doi: 10.1214/ss/1177011136


Loukia M. Spineli



# Read results from 'run_nodesplit' (using the default arguments)
res <- readRDS(system.file('extdata/node_baker.rds', package = 'rnmamod'))

# Check convergence based on R-hat
mcmc_diagnostics(net = res,
                 par = c("tau", "EM[2,1]", "EM.pred[2,1]"))
#> R-hat < 1.10 is an indication of convergence. Visual inspection of the trace plot and posterior density of the monitored parameters should *also* be considered when concluding about convergence.
#> Note: The argument 'par' is ignored. It is used only with 'run_metareg', 'run_model', and 'run_ume'.
#> $Between_trial_SD

#> $Direct_estimates

#> $Indirect_estimates

#> $Inconsistency_factors

#> $table_tau
#> Table: The (common) between-trial standard deviation
#> |R.hat          |MCMC.rule      |
#> |:--------------|:--------------|
#> |Not applicable |Not applicable |
#> $table_phi
#> Table: The common informative missingness parameter
#> |R.hat          |MCMC.rule      |
#> |:--------------|:--------------|
#> |Not applicable |Not applicable |
#> $table_beta
#> Table: The common regression coefficient
#> |R.hat          |MCMC.rule      |
#> |:--------------|:--------------|
#> |Not applicable |Not applicable |