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Illustrates the effect estimates, predictions and regression coefficients of comparisons with a specified comparator intervention for a selected covariate value and also exports these results to an Excel file.


  cov_name = "covariate value",



An object of S3 class run_model. See 'Value' in run_model.


An object of S3 class run_metareg. See 'Value' in run_metareg.


A character to indicate the comparator intervention. It must be any name found in drug_names.


A character or text to indicate the name of the covariate.


A vector of labels with the name of the interventions in the order they appear in the argument data of run_model. If drug_names is not defined, the order of the interventions as they appear in data is used, instead.


Logical to indicate whether to export the tabulated results to an 'xlsx' file (via the write_xlsx function of the R-package writexl) at the working directory of the user. The default is FALSE (do not export).


metareg_plot prints on the R console a message on the most parsimonious model (if any) based on the DIC (in red text). Furthermore, the function returns the following list of elements:


The posterior median, and 95% credible interval of the summary effect measure (according to the argument measure defined in run_model) for each comparison with the selected intervention under network meta-analysis and network meta-regression based on the specified cov_value.


The posterior median, and 95% prediction interval of the summary effect measure (according to the argument measure defined in run_model) for each comparison with the selected intervention under network meta-analysis and network meta-regression based on the covariate value specified in run_metareg.


The DIC, total residual deviance, number of effective parameters, and the posterior median and 95% credible interval of between-trial standard deviation (tau) under each model (Spiegelhalter et al., 2002). When a fixed-effect model has been performed, metareg_plot does not return results on tau. For a binary outcome, the results refer to the odds ratio scale.


The posterior median and 95% credible interval of the regression coefficient(s) (according to the argument covar_assumption defined in run_metareg). For a binary outcome, the results refer to the odds ratio scale.


A forest plot on the estimated and predicted effect sizes of comparisons with the selected comparator intervention under network meta-analysis and network meta-regression based on the covariate value specified in run_metareg alongside a forest plot with the corresponding SUCRA values. See 'Details' and 'Value' in forestplot_metareg.


A scatterplot of the SUCRA values from the network meta-analysis against the SUCRA values from the network meta-regression based on the covariate value specified in run_metareg. See 'Details' and 'Value' in scatterplot_sucra.


The deviance information criterion (DIC) of the network meta-analysis model is compared with the DIC of the network meta-regression model. If the difference in DIC exceeds 5, the network meta-regression model is preferred; if the difference in DIC is less than -5, the network meta-analysis model is preferred; otherwise, there is little to choose between the compared models.

Furthermore, metareg_plot exports all tabulated results to separate 'xlsx' files (via the write_xlsx function of the R-package writexl) to the working directory of the user.

metareg_plot can be used only for a network of interventions. In the case of two interventions, the execution of the function will be stopped and an error message will be printed on the R console.


Salanti G, Ades AE, Ioannidis JP. Graphical methods and numerical summaries for presenting results from multiple-treatment meta-analysis: an overview and tutorial. J Clin Epidemiol 2011;64(2):163–71. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2010.03.016

Spiegelhalter DJ, Best NG, Carlin BP, van der Linde A. Bayesian measures of model complexity and fit. J R Stat Soc B 2002;64(4):583–616. doi: 10.1111/1467-9868.00353


Loukia M. Spineli



# \donttest{
# Read results from 'run_model' (using the default arguments)
res <- readRDS(system.file('extdata/res_baker.rds', package = 'rnmamod'))

# Read results from 'run_metareg' (exchangeable structure)
reg <- readRDS(system.file('extdata/reg_baker.rds', package = 'rnmamod'))

# Publication year as the covariate
pub_year <- c(1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2000, 2001, rep(2002, 5), 2003, 2003,
              rep(2005, 4), 2006, 2006, 2007, 2007)

# The names of the interventions in the order they appear in the dataset
interv_names <- c("placebo", "budesonide", "budesonide plus formoterol",
                  "fluticasone", "fluticasone plus salmeterol",
                  "formoterol", "salmeterol", "tiotropium")

# Plot the results from both models for all comparisons with salmeterol and
# average publication year
metareg_plot(full = res,
             reg = reg,
             compar = "salmeterol",
             cov_name = "mean publication year",
             drug_names = interv_names)
#> There is little to choose between the two models
#> $table_estimates
#> Table: Estimation for comparisons with salmeterol for mean publication year
#> |versus salmeterol           | Median NMA |  95% CrI NMA  | Median NMR | 95% CrI NMR  |
#> |:---------------------------|:----------:|:-------------:|:----------:|:------------:|
#> |budesonide                  |    0.57    | (0.25, 1.47)  |    0.55    | (0.23, 1.4)  |
#> |budesonide plus formoterol  |    0.73    | (0.33, 1.75)  |    0.71    | (0.32, 1.72) |
#> |tiotropium                  |    0.95    | (0.66, 1.34)  |    0.94    | (0.64, 1.32) |
#> |fluticasone plus salmeterol |    1.01    |  (0.56, 1.9)  |    1.04    |  (0.56, 2)   |
#> |fluticasone                 |    1.17    | (0.67, 2.19)  |    1.38    | (0.71, 2.86) |
#> |formoterol                  |    1.44    | (0.83, 2.45)  |    1.31    | (0.73, 2.3)  |
#> |placebo                     |    1.58    | (1.13, 2.27)* |    1.54    | (1.1, 2.21)* |
#> $table_predictions
#> Table: Prediction for comparisons with salmeterol for mean publication year
#> |versus salmeterol           | Median NMA | 95% CrI NMA  | Median NMR | 95% CrI NMR  |
#> |:---------------------------|:----------:|:------------:|:----------:|:------------:|
#> |budesonide                  |    0.57    | (0.24, 1.56) |    0.55    | (0.22, 1.5)  |
#> |budesonide plus formoterol  |    0.73    | (0.31, 1.88) |    0.71    | (0.3, 1.85)  |
#> |tiotropium                  |    0.96    | (0.56, 1.53) |    0.94    | (0.55, 1.54) |
#> |fluticasone plus salmeterol |    1.01    | (0.52, 2.06) |    1.04    | (0.51, 2.19) |
#> |fluticasone                 |    1.17    | (0.62, 2.41) |    1.38    | (0.66, 3.14) |
#> |formoterol                  |    1.43    | (0.75, 2.71) |    1.31    | (0.66, 2.55) |
#> |placebo                     |    1.57    |  (1, 2.68)   |    1.53    | (0.96, 2.64) |
#> $table_model_assessment
#> Table: Model assessment and between-trial standard deviation
#> |    |Analysis              |  DIC  |  pD   | Mean deviance | data points | Median tau | SD tau |95% CrI tau  |
#> |:---|:---------------------|:-----:|:-----:|:-------------:|:-----------:|:----------:|:------:|:------------|
#> |    |Network meta-analysis | 89.16 | 34.97 |     54.19     |     50      |    0.14    |  0.09  |(0.01, 0.35) |
#> |50% |Meta-regression       | 90.65 | 36.98 |     53.68     |     50      |    0.14    |  0.1   |(0.01, 0.36) |
#> $table_regression_coeffients
#> Table: Estimation of regression coefficient(s)
#> |versus salmeterol           | Median beta|95% CrI beta |
#> |:---------------------------|-----------:|:------------|
#> |budesonide                  |        1.00|(0.72, 1.4)  |
#> |budesonide plus formoterol  |        1.00|(0.72, 1.39) |
#> |tiotropium                  |        0.98|(0.86, 1.07) |
#> |fluticasone plus salmeterol |        0.97|(0.75, 1.11) |
#> |fluticasone                 |        1.01|(0.9, 1.21)  |
#> |formoterol                  |        1.03|(0.91, 1.34) |
#> |placebo                     |        0.96|(0.88, 1.05) |
#> $interval_plot

#> $sucra_scatterplot

# }