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Creates a scatterplot of the SUCRA values from the network meta-analysis and the network meta-regression for a specified level or value of the investigated covariate.


scatterplot_sucra(full, reg, cov_name = "covariate value", drug_names)



An object of S3 class run_model. See 'Value' in run_model.


An object of S3 class run_metareg. See 'Value' in run_metareg.


A character or text to indicate the name of the covariate.


A vector of labels with the name of the interventions in the order they appear in the argument data of run_model. If drug_names is not defined, the order of the interventions as they appear in data is used, instead.


A scatterplot of the SUCRA values under the network meta-analysis (y-axis) against the SUCRA values under the network meta-regression (x-axis) for a specified level or value of the investigated covariate.


The names of the interventions appear above each point in the plot. Three coloured rectangles are drawn in the scatterplot: a red rectangle for SUCRA values up to 50%, a yellow rectangular for SUCRA values between 50% and 80%, and a green rectangle for SUCRA values over 80%. Interventions falling at the green area are considered as the highest ranked interventions, whilst interventions falling at the red area are considered as the lowest ranked interventions.

scatterplot_sucra is integrated in metareg_plot.

scatterplot_sucra can be used only for a network of interventions. Otherwise, the execution of the function will be stopped and an error message will be printed on the R console.


Salanti G, Ades AE, Ioannidis JP. Graphical methods and numerical summaries for presenting results from multiple-treatment meta-analysis: an overview and tutorial. J Clin Epidemiol 2011;64(2):163–71. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2010.03.016


Loukia M. Spineli